Manifesto | Introduction
Union Cycliste Internationale (UCI) Presidential Manifesto 2017 for Brian Cookson OBE. Including French, Spanish, Russian and Chinese translations.
Brian Cookson's personal integrity, alongside his commitment and dedication to his sport has been absolutely key in transforming the UCI over the last four years. I have no hesitation in supporting his re-election for a second term as UCI President.
During his time as President of British Cycling our federation developed from being a body in crisis to a turnaround success story. The success came not just in terms of medals won, but in levels of participation, in the bringing of major events to our shores and by inspiring Britons to fall in love with the sport. British Cycling wholeheartedly recommends Brian Cookson for re-election as the UCI President.
We at the ACC support you in your endeavour to continue the process of transformation of UCI and also your special attention towards the Asian Continent in its march towards propagation and excellence at all levels of this wonderful sport of cycling.
Your daily focus and objective is driven by what you can do to make us better and stronger by working in concert with the athletes, key stakeholders, membership, federations, Management Team and staff. Your professional approach, respect for those who interact with you and commitment to do the right thing has helped our organization achieve new levels of success.
The progress we have made under Brian's presidency has been extensive and includes professionalising the sport for women across all disciplines, promoting the increased participation of women and girls in cycling as a sport and activity, and furthering the involvement of women throughout the governance, administration and delivery of the sport.
We’ve made great progress across the board, including in the sphere of technology where we’ve transformed the UCI from a conservative federation to one that embraces and promotes progress. I look forward to supporting him during his second mandate.
Under Brian's leadership the UCI has taken great steps to restore the integrity of the sport, stabilize its operations and most importantly grow all aspects of the sport globally in a sustainable manner.
I'm sure another four years as UCI President will result in more great things for track cycling, and for African cycling across all disciplines.
Four years ago, I had chosen Brian, and I am pleased to see that he has provided unwavering support for the development of African Cycling.
On behalf of the Federación Ciclista Uruguaya, I wish to say that, under Brian Cookson’s leadership, cycling’s reputation has been restored and the interests of Latin American nations have been better addressed than ever before.
Under Brian’s stewardship, the UCI will continue to make great strides in improving the Sport of cycling, its athletes and administrators on a global scale.
Brian has been credible in the fight against doping and for an open and transparent association. It should also be emphasized that, with the participation of all the key players, he has taken the initiative to adapt cycling to the current conditions and needs, globally and in a timely manner.
We have indeed read your manifesto and we appreciate its true value. It is with pleasure that we will see you re-elected head of world cycling.
Our federation adheres perfectly to your cycling development strategy and we thank you for all the renewal you have made during the last four years in cycling, throughout the world.
He is a leader who believes in democracy. Brian talks to people and listens their opinions even if they are by far different of his own views. He is convinced that cycling needs continuous development and new ideas to attract all generations.
I find it very good for the development and adaptation of sport to the realities of modern life and respect Brian’s willingness to contribute in this way to the Olympic movement and cycling in particular.
Transformation of any complex organisation is a long-term task and to complete Brian’s manifesto to modernise, develop and enhance both the UCI and World cycling requires a second term. I support Brian and wish him well in his campaign for re-election.
Brian has been a very good President for Latin America and for cycling across the world. We especially appreciated all the work he put in to ensure the cycling events at the Rio Olympic Games were a big success.
Brian became President of Cycling at a particularly challenging time for the sport. He has brought a real sense of purpose and re-direction to the sport and I am very happy to support his ambitions to serve a further term as UCI President.
I am happy to support his candidacy for a second term as UCI President being sure that he will have more time to take Para cycling forward to a new level of development within the UCI.
The way UCI conducts itself in anti-doping has been completely transformed since 2013. It has earned itself the reputation of highly competent and trusted partner, a model for other sports.
Brian Cookson's clarity of vision and his unswerving determination to attack doping issues in the sport were central to the CIRC's capacity to operate independently and with a broad mandate.
I have known him for many years and he has always operated with the best interests of the sport at heart. Since moving to the UCI, the same principles have applied and the UCI is now a trusted ally in the fight against doping, committed to the protection of all athletes in the sport, and a strong advocate for the type of governance required from such organisations.
I have known Brian for many years and have respect for his achievements. Initially as Chair of British Cycling, overseeing the Olympic and Paralympic medal success, and more recently as President of the UCI where he has shown strong leadership in implementing important and necessary reforms.
During his first term as President, Brian has shown the leadership necessary to reform the sport and restore its reputation. I very much hope that he is given a second term to finish this vital task.
I congratulate Brian Cookson and his team very warmly for all the actions they have undertaken over the past 4 years. Brian has reinvigorated each cycling discipline and great progress has been made in many areas.
It has been a pleasure to see the progress in the UCI over the last four years, and the European University was delighted to award Brian the Degree of Doctor of Civil Laws, Honoris Causa, in recognition of his achievements.
Brian’s natural leadership has led to new visions and his sensible and balanced decisions have seen engagement with all stakeholders. His main focus always is to improve the conditions for the riders.
The UCI, under Brian's leadership, has made great progress in growing the sport of cycling worldwide. He recognizes the value and need to work with the broad stakeholders and has been proactive in collaborating with industry to ensure their needs and concerns are incorporated as cycling develops further.
Cycling has had a difficult history with doping, particularly within the tenure of the previous two Presidents. Brian has, in his current term as President, rebuilt the bridges with the World Anti-Doping Agency and the anti-doping community as a whole and made administrative changes to ensure the independence of anti-doping administration and sanction.
I can state in all honesty that this current administration under the stewardship of Mr. Cookson has brought about truly positive and progressive advancements that have had wide ranging benefits for the world of cycling, aspects that I feel will only continue to grow with his re-election.
Brian’s vision for a strong international cycling organization supporting men’s and women’s platforms has not only helped us to raise the profile of our race but has helped the sport of cycling reach new levels of success across numerous measurable categories and revenue streams.
We at Madison Sports Group are trying to modernize and improve upon our version of track cycling through our Six Day Series. I have therefore observed with awe the significant improvements you at the UCI have implemented into track cycling over time and I saw the Hong Kong event was a delightful manifestation of that progression.
Since your arrival in the region of the Canton of Vaud, you made contacts promptly and your first-class work on the field has significantly paid off. I appreciate your unwavering commitment to the UCI.
Having strong and enlightened leadership at the top of cycling’s world governing body is imperative for the future success of our sport. Without the right leadership, we wouldn't have invested and developed the Tour de Yorkshire into something special, or joined with partners to bid for the UCI's flagship event the road world championship to be held in Yorkshire in 2019.
Since Brian Cookson was elected as president of the UCI I have observed a significant, and rapid development in Women’s Cycling. Honouring his election platform for the development of Women’s Cycling Brian has worked tirelessly in his commitment to better our sport.
Manifesto | Introduction
Growing cycling globally
I love cycling, and have done so since I was a young boy. For me it is a passion and it is great to see this passion shared so strongly across the world. By working together we’ve come a long way in the four years since I was elected. Today pride has been restored to cycling and our sport is cleaner, stronger and more transparent. We have made great progress together, but there is more to be done to secure these foundations and accelerate the growth of cycling across the world. That is why I am standing for a second and final term as UCI President to build on this progress and finish the work I have committed to do.
I am excited to share with you my six point plan for how we can build on the success we have achieved and, together, reinforce our sport where it is traditionally strong and accelerate the growth of cycling across the world.
I stood for the Presidency of the UCI in 2013 as I felt strongly that the UCI needed to embrace a new way of doing things and address, head on, some of the critical challenges facing our sport. I have been honoured by the trust that has been placed in me to lead the UCI, and I am proud of the work we have done together since September, 2013.
Together we have achieved many things. One of my most important commitments was to review and improve, where needed, our governance and transparency. That’s why we revised our Constitution, introducing a number of improvements in line with best practice, including term limits for the UCI President.
Looking back to 2013 the UCI, and our sport, faced a number of severe challenges. Our credibility as an international federation had come into question. I addressed these challenges directly, from the very first day of taking office. The work has been hard but the results are clear. We are now proud to be a well-respected international federation, seen by WADA in particular as being the reference point in our work for clean sport.
Our work on ethics, on the constitution, on governance structures and on clean sport has placed the UCI in a strong position, but we must continue to challenge ourselves constantly on meeting the highest standards.
Over the next four years I want to build on the strong foundation we have in place, but of course I cannot deliver this alone. Now I am asking again for your support, to help deliver this six point strategic plan, keep cycling growing globally, and finish the work I am so passionate about.
Download Brian's manifesto
Brian Cookson's manifesto in English
Manifeste de Brian Cookson en français
Manifiesto de Brian Cookson en español
Манифест Брайана Куксона на русском языке